Saturday, April 2, 2016


Today is World Autism Day, and we attended a community event where we saw quite a few friends.  We also, today, cleaned out half of our garage, got a whole bunch of healthy veggies, bought a Nordic-track, and I went to a baby shower.

It is always difficult to know how much of one's heart to share.  Suffice to say that those events dredged up some of the deeper insecurities of my heart.  All day, too, I've had this Bethel song in my heart.  Perhaps I just needed it - perhaps the Lord knew all of those things would come up, and that I would need a song to hold together.

You unravel me
With a melody
You pursue me with a song
Of deliverance
From my enemies
Until all my fears are gone.

I'm no longer a slave to fear.
I am a child of God.

It is difficult to share one's heart.  I can say, though, that I am glad to have this song.  It held my soul in a protective bear hug all day - but a hug that never felt too tight.  Gentle - a force field I didn't know I needed, and had never asked for.  A song can provide that kind of reality, even when  - perhaps especially when - it didn't seem like the right song for the day, and you find it hard to explain why you needed it.

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