Friday, November 6, 2015


I've put off writing for a few weeks, because stuff happened that wasn't pretty.  I was and am not sure what pose to strike.  I'm sorry for wanting to be fake just so my life could seem pretty.  Of course, I want to hit the highlights, but how is it beneficial to only write when all the stars align so my moments appear as grand as my glossy, full-color imagination has wanted them to be?  It's just not.

So, anyways, the last few weeks have featured can't-pretend-they-don't-exist challenges.  Can I just move on now, and feel like I've broken the fourth wall without opening the floodgates of self-pity?  Is it okay for now to just leave it like that?  I'm gonna go with my gut and say it's sufficient.

Last weekend marked our 3rd year of living in our neighborhood.  I love it here this time of year, partly, I think, because it reminds me of when we first came, and had a fresh start.  At the same time, everything is coming up Christmas, which is a can't-miss-big-deal, water-for-my-weary-soul season.

We took some family pics with my cellphone on a timer - we happened to all be outside on this gorgeous day and had extra time, so we snapped, and there we have some memories forever.  So many of these are stored on the hardrive of my computer - I just flipped through a few and another tidal wave of wonder washes over me.  So much life - real, meaningful stuff happens, and we try to capture and share it so we don't miss it.

Real stuff.  So, so much good real stuff has happened these past few years, and there have been challenges; we can share a cup of real, right?  I guess I just want to make sure that's okay.  I guess it's my loss if it's not your cup of tea.  I personally, though, don't want to be held captive to the lie that real life, even good life, is without its challenges, heartbreaks, trials, and puzzles.

My favorite CCM artist Sara Groves released her new album today, and there's a song called "This Cup" that is so fitting to end with.  Go download the album or the single.  It goes:

This cup, this cup
I wanna drink it up
To be right here in the middle of it
Right here, right here
This challenging reality
Is better than fear or fantasy.

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